Thursday, May 31, 2012


Poetry: a literature way to express your feelings through words.
Example: You can use your anger through poetry.
Explanation: Poetry is important because everyone deserves to express their feelings through anyway and in poetry you can.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Meter: basics rhythms of varying stressed and unstressed.
Example: stressed ( / )    unstresed ( x )
Explanation: meter is important because its in everday speech.


Rhyme: occurs in the last syllables of the verses
Example: Rap is  type of rhyming.
Explanation: rhyme is important because it doesn't make poetry sound like a story.


Rhythm: is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line.
Example: You make like the rhythm to a specific song.
Explanation: Rhythm is important because in poems is about the beat and having a kind of flow to it.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Onomatopoeia: words that immitate a word or sound.
Example: BANG! POW! BOOM!
Explatation: Onomatopoeia is important because you can hear the sounds of whats written.


Personification: giving non human things person features.
Example: Cars the movie is all personification.
Explanation: Personification is important by understanding of the character's features.


Imagery: something you can visualize through words or using your five senses.
Example: Her skin was as soft as a baby's bottom. This is a perfect example of tactile imagery.
Eplantation: Imagery is important because it connects to the poem through the readers senses and visulization.